
Concepts Unlimited (CU), works towards providing conceptual clarity in the subject of science for the school students, by empowering them to not only achieve excellent marks in their school and competitive examinations but also to have a clear understanding of the scientific concepts. Our ultimate aim is to help students to face the competitive world with ease.

To achieve our goal, we have designed 'Snehashree' Program for Grade 5 and 6 for the year 2017-18. We are offering a platform to nurture young intelligent minds through 'Snehashree' program.

We are introducing first set of 32 basic concepts in science with explanations, which would be studied by the students using our website. We would also provide complete guidance for performing 32 experiments to understand most of these 32 concepts. Theory along with the experiments would definitely enlighten the young mind and students would not only enjoy the studies, but also would remember it permanently.

At the end of the program we would felicitate the selected student by offering scholarship. The evaluation pattern and required study material is designed in such way that the student, who is 'not so good' in science will become 'good' in science and the student, who is 'good' in science will become 'genius' in science.

© Concepts Unlimited